Monday, February 14, 2011

Mulberry Italian Restaurant

64 Jackson Avenue, Lackawanna

[A long post, for reason]

After many coworkers, friends, & tv shows (Guy Fieri) continued to give high ratings to Mulberry's I decided to check it out on a Saturday night with my girlfriend. I knew the place was popular, read up a bit on it, and knowing that they didn't take reservations after 6pm for a party under 4, called them up. I told the hostess I wanted to sit around 7-730 and asked what time I should arrive. 6pm was her response. "This better be some damn good food" was my thought.

Getting there promptly at 6pm, we were met to a PACKED bar and an hour and a half wait. With hardly enough room to stand, the two of us crammed into a space barely comfortable enough for one. And then we waited....and waited.... and waited. An hour and fifteen minutes later, we were seated. My thoughts on this are: That's ballsy. To tell customers that basically your food is so good, you can stand, cramped and on top of other for over an hour to sit takes guts. I guess people enjoy it. Even if the rest of my experience had been absolutely amazing, I don't see myself standing around an hour to get a table. Take reservations like 99.9% of every other restaurant. On the plus side (a minor one), the place did have cool decorations hanging from the ceiling and plenty of famous peoples pictures on the walls to look at. Not an hour+ of entertainment though...

The waitress greeted us rather promptly and asked what we would like to drink. Asking what beer they had (bottles only), she asked for ID. I gave it to her. Her reply, in a rather snarky attitude was..."Soooo you were born in 85?...How old are you then?" Correctly answering her math quiz, her next answer was "eh I don't know...Bud, bud light, blue, blue light" and then drifted off without even finishing. So be it. Sam Adams for me (after noticing someone at the bar holding a bottle of it). I understand carding and fully agree with it, but the attitude should go. First, I don't look 18. I'm not here with my girlfriend handing off fakes. Third...even if I was, lose the tone. Forth (and final)...if my ID meets your criteria, answer the question or go find out if you don't know. Regardless of how old/young you think I am, I still believe I'm entitled to some form of answer.

Food came out at a rather slow pace. Ok, I'll overlook it as it was really busy. The meatball, which everyone was so excited about, came first first. Nothing all that special- It was good, but not the best thing ever.

Dinner was Pollo Saltimbocca for me, Ravioli di Carciofo for her. The ravioli was pretty good, I actually liked it more than my chicken. My dinner was ok, and would have been much better had it not had the texture of chicken that was sitting in a sterno heated pan all day. It was rather tough, which is a difficult thing to do to chicken.

For dessert we split Tiramisu, which I thought was really good. The only downside was that because the meal was moving along at a painfully slow pace, we had to flag the waitress down to 1) place the order so we could get out in a reasonable time and 2)request a glass of water for the second time. Ok, again its busy, I understand. But seriously...thats where your tip went. If the general attitude about the ID wasn't enough, she genuinely didn't seem to give a damn about anything there. Time from seating to out the door was just about 2 hours.

Good- Ravioli, Tiramisu, decor
Bad- No reservations, long wait, bad waitress, rubberized chicken, slow service.

Egh...I've been neglecting writing this review, as it's to be the first place I really was not happy with in a long time. Maybe it was the hype? Maybe it was the wait? Maybe the bad service? I can't say for sure, but either way that's my thoughts on Mulberry's (probably much to the dislike of many others who have been there). I would go back, but never on a weekend and not without STRONG protest to head somewhere else. So be it- 2 noms (generously, for the tiramisu and ravioli)

nom nom

Paula's Donuts

380 Kenmore Avenue, Buffalo

Back in my undergrad days, I used to live a few blocks down from Paula's Donuts. Within walking distance to South campus, I used to pass it daily on the way to Dunkin Donuts before class.

Bad move on my part. I missed some valuable donut eating days there.

The shop is often overlooked, on the corner of a plaza. It's small and has the look one would associate with a donut shop that's "been around awhile and not going anywhere anytime soon". I quickly became a regular there, and the staff behind the counter knew the drill: Large coffee, milk, two sugars, a boston creme and a black forest donut. The Boston creme donuts beat anything I ate actually in Boston. Black forest is my personal favorite, although that's a tough pick between the two. (Both are shown below) I did change it up now and again, and have eaten most of the donuts they offer. All are beyond amazingly good.

Unlike your chain coffee/donut place, their donuts are BIG. Tall, fluffy, large perfectly cooked circles of doughnuty goodness. The prices also are basically what you'd pay at a DD or Timmy Ho's, but you will notice the difference in the first bite.

Coming from the kid who used to suck down Krispy Kreme donuts at 7am after being up all night, I'll tell you these beat anything from krispy kreme- with or without a "hot now" light. People say Dickies Donuts or Famous Donuts on main rival it. While I can't speak about Dickies Donuts (yet), I know that Famous Donuts was not even close.

The folks at Paula's donuts get highest honors, 5 noms


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

O'Daniels Gin Mill & Grill

1305 Abbott Road, South Buffalo

I've been going to O'Daniels for well over a year now. The food is always awesome and I've had a good bit on the menu already. Personal picks are the stuffed banana peppers and the wings. While the wings aren't my favorite, they're still damn good [that title goes to Mammoser's] and you can buy their wing sauce and throw it on chicken at home. Burgers and Crow (chicken) sandwich are consistently good. Friday brings the "other menu" which is mostly fish. I've only hit them on Friday once for fish. It's usually busy in there and I'm usually working, but its worth it. They usually have a pretty good beer lineup too [6 rotating taps, various bottles] and the bartenders are cool as well.

Pictured is their BBQ burger with swiss and crispy fries. Beer: Victory Donnybrook Stout
Burger was perfect, like always. I was hoping the beer would be a little closer to Guinness, but it was totally different and only ok in my opinion. Hah- come to think of it, this is all my opinion.

Overall: nom nom nom nom
Go there! You'll like it!

The Idea

Ah...yet another food blog on the web. Just what we all need to read.

Why another? short, why not?
However, the real reason is that while food is necessary for survival, it's also a means of exchange. Every culture, group, region, or family has its own way of preparing food and one of the best ways to learn about it all is through the basic necessities. Since we all MUST eat, we might as well find a way to enjoy it. Luckily, that is easily accomplished (most of the time).

The actual idea of this is just an extension of my facebook postings of food either I've prepared or had prepared for me (restaurants or friends), all followed with the internetz famous "nom nom nom." Recent trips to my family on Long Island generated quite a few photos and much interest from friends. Of them, no less than half a dozen wanted to know if/when I was starting a food blog. So here it is!

I cook quite a bit at home and head out often as well. I'll be posting photos and reviews of places mostly in and around the Buffalo, NY area (with addresses!). Others will be the food prepared in my functional-yet-ugly-looking kitchen without my address- I can't have people stealing my food.

Let the nom nom nom's start...